About US

Scanport Limited is a Ghanaian owned business founded in 2018 and specialized in the provision of comprehensive security solutions for key national and critical infrastructure sites such as Ports, Harbours, Airports, Railway Stations, Border Crossings, Embassies, Banks etc. Scanport Limited can be located at No. 2 Second Norla Street, Labone, Accra, Ghana and contacted on
+233502630660 or via our Post address P.O Box KIA 30628, Accra, Ghana. Scanport Limited is a Limited Liability Company duly incorporated in accordance with the Laws of Ghana and guarantees that all its projects go through the requisite processes and are compliant with all applicable regulations. Currently, our main services include; the design, construction, installation, operation and maintenance of security devices such as cargo scanners and detection machines including systems, networks, infrastructures, telecom services, communication, cameras for optical letter recognition and/or video controls; the provision of consultancy services for the handling of the inspection of personnel, vehicles and containers; the provision of cargo handling services related to customs inspection of goods and shipment through the use of security scanners; the provision of consultancy and services related to compliance with the International Ship and Port Facility Security(ISPS); and the sale and marketing of security devices and equipment. Led by a highly experienced and dedicated
team of accomplished professionals in various fields, we are without doubt the go to company for the provision of complete security services and solutions including scanning and imaging, together with consultancy, training and other similar supporting services and/or logistics. Leveraging our key resource, our roller deck of advisors, and tapping into diverse networks around the world, we are positioned
to work effortlessly with our internationally renowned and accomplished partners such as Westminster International Limited, to ensure that all our projects are successful, sustainable and mutually beneficial to all stakeholders. In fact, Scanport has a subsisting Technical Partnership Agreement with Westminster International Limited in the delivery of Container Scanning, Imaging and related services at the New MPS Terminal at the Tema Port. We believe in harnessing, training and developing local talents and growing into a Ghanaian Company with a competitive edge in the provision of appropriate solutions to counter all likely and perceived risks such as terrorism, organized crime, drug and contraband trafficking, economic crimes and loss of revenue, considerations which are paramount to the transformation of the economy today.


High quality and low cost

Fusce gravida ut nisi et facilisis. Nullam ut mi fermentum, posuere dolor id, ultricies ipsum. Duis urna ipsum, tincidunt ut lorem.

50K Happy Customers

Fusce gravida ut nisi et facilisis. Nullam ut mi fermentum, posuere dolor id, ultricies ipsum. Duis urna ipsum, tincidunt ut lorem.

A transparent Refund policy

Fusce gravida ut nisi et facilisis. Nullam ut mi fermentum, posuere dolor id, ultricies ipsum. Duis urna ipsum, tincidunt ut lorem.